Our Story
This is the story behind Vibroacustica
At that time, Tibetan bowls were just beginning to spread across the globe. Information about them was scarce and quite muddled. What was available were unfounded claims tied to esotericism and the chakra system. In that year, Argentine music therapist Jorge Zain wrote his thesis on the implementation of Tibetan bowls in music therapy, a topic that sparked significant interest at the World Congress of the discipline held in Buenos Aires.
In the following years, Jorge created the “Vibroacoustic Music Therapy” method, which he began teaching in the Music Therapy Training at the University of Buenos Aires, wrote the book "Escuchar el Silencio - Musicoterapia Vibroacustica"(Listen the Silence - Vibroacoustic Music Therapy"), and founded the Escuela Vibro (Vibro School), where he trained more than 1500 therapists, mainly in Argentina and Colombia. Many of them have joined his team and have conducted highly relevant scientific research for the development of the discipline.

From its inception in the Scandinavian countries to its consolidation as an academic field of study, Vibroacoustics has come a long way. Jorge Zain contributed his grain of sand to this journey, combining his deep knowledge of Tibetan bowls with the science behind sound vibration to create a precise methodology that has benefitted countless individuals.

Aware of the need to share the right tools with his students, and facing the challenge of importing goods into Argentina, Jorge found a way to manufacture Tibetan Bowls locally, using traditional bronze forging methods. He created complementary instruments like the Samafon® and the handled bowl, which were soon replicated by major companies globally. He also developed sound vibration technology devices, such as the Viset Mat® and the Viset Pillow®, aiming to make Vibroacoustics accessible to a wider audience.
He founded the Vibroacustica brand in 2015, which today is the leading specialty store for Tibetan Bowls and Vibroacoustic devices in Argentina, and is now starting its journey of expansion across Europe from its base in Belgium.
Vibroacustica is a testament to a passion for sound, music, and their transformative power. We are driven by the mission to share this knowledge and practices to foster a healthier, more conscious, and harmonious world.
Main publications:
_ Zain, J.; Soto, H; D'Alessandro, G.; Diazabraham, V. (2019); "Impacto de la Terapia Vibroacústica en el nivel de activación y de energía vital". VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Musicoterapia. Bogotá, Colombia.
_ Soto Lopetegui, H., D’Alessandro, G., Pfeiffer, C., & Zain, J. (2019). Musicoterapia receptiva: experiencia vibroacústica en la variabilidad del nivel de estrés: Musicoterapia y estrés. ECOS - Revista Científica De Musicoterapia Y Disciplinas Afines, 4(1), 1–22. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/ECOS/article/view/10497
_ Zain, J. (2017); "Terapia Vibroacústica, visualizaciones guiadas y desapego emocional. Un estudio de caso". Ecos 2 (1). Revista Científica de la Asociación Argentina de Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires.
_ Zain, J. (2014); "Escuchar el Silencio. Musicoterapia Vibroacústica"; Ed. Kier. Buenos Aires.
_ Zain, J (2014); "Vibroacoustic Music Therapy; interoceptive awareness and emotion regulation", In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 230 -231. Retrieved from http:// musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.
_ Zain, J. (2013) ; "Abordaje vibroacústico, consciencia interoceptiva y regulación emocional" ; en Memorias del V Congreso Latinoamericano de Musicoterapia CLAM. Sucre, Bolivia.
_ Zain, J. (2012); "Abordaje Vibroacustico: el uso de cuencos tibetanos en Musicoterapia Receptiva"; en AMTRJ, XVIII FORUM ESTADUAL DE MUSICOTERAPIA, As Diferentes Abordagens da Música em Musicoterapia. Rio de Janeiro.
_ Zain, J. (2008); "El uso de cuencos tibetanos como recurso en Musicoterapia Receptiva", XII Congreso Mundial de Musicoterapia. Ed. Akadia. Buenos Aires.