MAY 3 - 20 hs

Sound Vibration Bath

Simply come to deeply relax and let yourself be carried away by the sound of Tibetan Bowls and Gongs with Jorge Zain.

Uccle, Brussels.

More info? Read this article!


JUNE 7 - 20 hs.

Voice Vibration Journey

Simply come to deeply relax and let yourself be carried away by the vocals of Aisha Figini and the sound of Tibetan Bowls and Gongs with Jorge Zain.

Uccle, Brussels.

More info? Read this article!


15th of June 10 -13 hs.

Music Therapy and Sound Vibration Techniques for Restful Nights

Join our workshop on Music Therapy and Sound Vibration Healing, specifically designed to enhance sleep quality. In this transformative session, you'll explore a range of techniques that use the soothing power of music and sound vibrations to relax the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Jorge Zain will guide you through practical exercises, including how to integrate sound tools into your bedtime routine. This workshop is ideal for anyone looking to overcome insomnia and other sleep disturbances by harnessing the natural, restorative properties of sound and music, ensuring a deeper, more restful night’s sleep.

In Uccle, Brussels

Ely Maes

"I never thought that simply listening to and feeling the vibrations of a Tibetan bowl could have such a powerful effect. I've found a new tool that helps me release stress and reconnect with myself".

Camila Sanders

"As a mother and professional, finding time for myself is always challenging. Tibetan Bowls have helped me to optimize my moments of quietude and have enriched my brief meditation practice".

Amélie Lebrun

"As a yoga instructor, I was looking to deepen my knowledge on how to incorporate sound into my classes. This School offered me exactly what I needed: a practical approach, scientifically grounded and spiritually enriching."