How an Ancient Knowing Led to Widespread Confusion
Jorge ZainShare
In this article we are going to begin to discuss a rather controversial topic in the wide universe of “sound healing”. We are referring to the chakras and their relationship with musical notes.
You've probably heard that each chakra is associated with a musical note. But have you ever wondered what the origin of this is?
Let's start by defining what a chakra is.
It is a word that comes from Sanskrit, which means “wheel” or “disc.” It is the Sanskrit name given to objects that are disc-shaped. Today it is a known term to designate the junction points of the energy channels, which are located in the human body.
There are different discussions about how many chakras are located in the body. We are going to take the conception of Kundalini Yoga that refers to 7 main chakras and many other secondary ones. This concept can be found in the Yoga Chudamani Upanishad (written between the 7th and 10th centuries), and in the Yoga Shikha Upanishad.
These 7 chakras are represented by lotus flowers, marking on the energy plane of man the stages of progression of kundalini throughout the ages.nadis (central channels that aresuṣumṇā (central parasympathetic channel),iḍā (left sympathetic canal) etin piṅgala (right sympathetic channel), which link the chakras (the energy centers) together.
The seven chakras are described as forming a luminous column that starts from the base of the spine to the base of the head. Each chakra is associated with a color, divinities, an element, an organ of action, a sensory organ, certain functions of consciousness, and sounds.
It is not the objective of this article to investigate in depth about the functions of each chakra, but rather to present a critical look at those things that man likes to pigeonhole, probably because it gives him peace of mind, or as I have already mentioned in my book “Listen to the Silence”, because it has been trained to function that way.
Let's return to our topic of interest: the seven main chakras are usually associated with the seven musical notes that we know. Whether you search the internet or ask someone who is well versed in the subject, you may be surprised because it seems like everyone knows this:
Chakra 1: Mūlādhāra. Located in the perineum area. Associated note: DO.
Chakra 2: Svādhiṣṭhāna. Located in the sacral area. Associated note: RE.
Chakra 3: Maṇipūra. Located in the navel area. Associated note: MI.
Chakra 4: Anāhata. Location: heart. Associated note: FA.
Chakra 5: Viśuddha. Location: throat. Associated note: SOL.
Chakra 6: Ājñā. Location: Optic chiasm. Associated note: LA.
Chakra 7: Sahasrāra. Location: Fontanelle. Associated note: YES.
This relationship between notes and chakras is already popular knowledge. But did you ever question it? My hypothesis is that in some text, or in the oral transmission, there was a link that was a little loose.
We can find some clue in the history of music. It is not necessary to search in very specialized libraries. Let's go directly to the origin of the name of musical notes, as we know them in the West, which is attributed to the Benedictine monk Guido D'Arezzo, who in the first decades of the 11th century gave names to musical notes, inspired by the initial syllables of some verses dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.
Hadn't we mentioned that chakra is a word that comes from Sanskrit? This is one of the oldest Indo-European languages for which there is documentation, and it has its own musical notation, calledWeightOVoice.This name appears in Vedic literature, and means musical note. He also has a solfeggio, orto the guardof 7 notes, where the first note, SA and the fifth, PA, are considered anchors and are unalterable, while the other notes vary depending on the system that the musicians are using.
The musical notation system in Sanskrit is as follows, in ascending order:
SA – RE – GA – MA – PA – DHA – NI.
Is it possible that the reductionist spirit of the human being has entered here again, and with the best intention of finding an equivalence has wanted to simplify everything to this relationship?:
SA = DO, RE = RE, GA = MI, PA = SOL, DHA = LA, NI = SI
When Guido D’Arezzo named the musical notes, was he based on exactly the same representations of this ancient culture?
The frequency attributed to the musical note DO is currently and by convention equivalent to 261.6 Hz, if the reference is the LA at 440 Hz, and equivalent to 256.9 Hz if the reference of the note LA is at 432 Hz. Did they have the same conception of the relationship between frequencies and musical notes in ancient times? In other words, are the SA and the DO the same grade? That is to say: are they always at 261.6 Hz (or 259.9 Hz if you prefer)?
The answer is no. SA is not DO. SA is SA!!!
So: why is the quartz bowl in FA, or as many would say, the heart note, the best seller?
A debate opens!!
Jorge Zain